Key findings on Rural Life Expectancy, Death Rate, Infant & Child Mortality and Disease burden in Madhya Pradesh revealed alarming figures which prompted the state government to implement the Medium Term Health Sector Strategy, 2006-11, backed up by NRHM scheme. It is an articulation of the commitment of the government to rise public spending on health from 0.9% of GDP (as on 2005) to 2-3% of GDP (by 2010). To affect this extensive project in its entirety, the MP Govt employed Jagran Solutions to fulfil the mission of improving the availability of and access to quality health care by the people in the 3 districts of Badwani, Betul & Dhar in MP. To address this project, Jagran Solutions conceived the idea of mobile ambulances. Christened as 'Dindayal Mobile Health Units' these were fourteen deployed ambulances, well equipped with medical infrastructure and medicines, each manned by a doctor, nurse, pharmacist, technician and a driver. The campaign has been immensely effective and till date our medical teams have reached 12,00,000 villagers curing illness, offering treatment and free medical aid, and in the process, educating them on basic health and hygiene aspects of their lives.

DeenDayal Mobile Health Units